Outsourcing to JobsCentr Recruitment reduces costs and staff capacity

Outsourcing agency JobsCentr Recruitment, spol. s r.o., specializes in the implementation of complex system units, processes and functions in the field of production, logistics, services and IT, which require a significant proportion of manual work.

Industrial outsourcing

The term "industrial outsourcing" refers to the contractual transfer of certain business processes and production functions that fall within complex system units of the customer's overhead capacity to a supplier. These processes are then recreated in the supplier's operations (performance of contractual obligations by subcontracting).

Key benefits of outsourcing services JobsCentr Recruitment

One of our main advantages is our ability to move production system units that require manual labour to a labour market where there is an abundance of labour. We can also provide motivated local staff in Eastern European labour markets for operational activities.

Effective use of JobsCentr Recruitment's experience in outsourcing for customers

Another of our strengths is the ownership of production and warehouse capacities, production technology and software solutions, which allows us to take over different activities, unify processes and transfer know-how and skills. Our experience and capabilities are effectively applied to the benefit of the customer.

Our production and warehouse facilities are located in the Czech Republic and Ukraine.

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