Recruitment and international recruitment - Expert services for your company

JobsCentr Recruitment, is an agency specialising in recruitment and staffing, we offer both traditional and international recruitment. We provide a comprehensive recruitment service, seeking talent in a variety of disciplines and have an extensive database of potential candidates from the Czech Republic and Europe.

Our network of recruitment centres and job portals aims to simplify and unify the recruitment process, contributing to the globalisation of the labour market in Europe.

Why choose recruitment and staffing from JobsCentr Recruitment

We provide a full range of recruitment services, including visa and administrative assistance. We will match you with experienced and talented staff from a variety of industries. Browse our database of recruitment professions.

Our approach to recruitment is flexible - from full-service solutions to part-time recruitment according to client needs. We cover a wide range of professions and qualifications, from unskilled positions to management and engineering roles.

Recruitment procedure:

We offer different variants of recruitment and staffing services for companies:

Principles of our recruitment and staffing

We focus on professional recruiting and hiring with an emphasis on client needs. We use modern IT and our know-how for talent search and offer solutions for companies of different sizes. We are experienced in recruiting locally and internationally.

Our expertise in recruitment and staffing in Europe

Thanks to our capabilities, we provide flexible candidate training and testing services. Our goals include providing stability for both clients and employees while providing recruitment services.

For further information and a no-obligation offer of recruitment services, please contact us. We are happy to participate in selection procedures and present our services.