Website Terms of Use

The company Jobscentr Job Portals s.r.o., with file number C 397049, registered with the Municipal Court in Prague (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator"), issues the Terms and Conditions for the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions"). These Terms and Conditions are binding on every person who uses the Website.

Every visitor to the website is obliged to read these terms and conditions of use on their first visit to the website.

I. Terms of use of the website

The website is for personal use only. Any use of the website or any part of it or its content other than for personal use, in particular further use by way of distribution, copying, further processing or modification or making further copies, is prohibited. Any interference with the technical or factual character of the website is prohibited. Use outside of personal use is an unauthorized interference with the rights of the Operator and may also be an unauthorized interference with the rights of the entities whose data, works and other intangible assets are part of the content of the website.

The operator is not obliged to ensure the constant and uninterrupted availability of this website. In the event of unavailability or incorrect or limited functionality, the Operator is not obliged to pay for any direct, indirect, incidental, extraordinary or other damages arising in connection with the inability to use this website.

The content of the website is prepared with the utmost care and attention to accuracy and timeliness. Nevertheless, the completeness and accuracy of the content presented cannot be guaranteed. The visitor therefore enters the website or accesses its content at his/her own risk.

In particular, it should be stressed that the views, information and solutions presented here cannot be taken as a comprehensive basis for the resolution of individual cases, as the resolution of each individual case or problem requires consideration of all relevant circumstances and specifics.

The use of the procedure presented herein, or the following of the opinion or information presented herein, without proper consultation with an expert who would take into account all the specifics and circumstances of the case and propose an appropriate solution, may lead to harm. The originator of the information or the creator, administrator or operator of the website cannot be held liable in any way for such damage.

The reservations set out in paragraphs 4 and 5 apply by their nature to any information, practices or opinions presented on websites to which the text contained on those websites refers.

Uploading, uploading or downloading any material that infringes copyright, intellectual property or other rights is prohibited. The Operator reserves the right to remove such material. The uploading, posting or downloading of any material that violates any person's rights of publicity or privacy, as well as any material that may be deemed offensive or defamatory, or material whose content or uploading to the Website is in any way in violation of any law, is prohibited, and such material will be removed or modified at the Operator's discretion as soon as the Operator becomes aware of it.

Links to third-party websites are provided to the visitor to enhance their user experience. The Operator is not responsible for the availability of these third party websites or for the content, information, software products and services of these third party websites or for any activities related thereto. The Operator does not control the content on these third party websites and any decision to use such a link is at your own risk. The Operator is not responsible for the availability of third party websites.

If you are interested in resolving a specific matter, please contact the Operator using the details provided in the CONTACT section.

All rights regarding the content and appearance of this website are reserved to the Operator. The total or partial reproduction, distribution, transmission (electronic or otherwise) or use of this website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Operator.

Personal data is published on the website in accordance with data protection legislation. The legal basis for the use of this personal data is limited to this website. Any copying and redistribution other than for personal use is an interference with the rights of the persons concerned and an offence under data protection legislation. The aforementioned copying and further use does not apply in the case of contact details which are clearly given in order to offer the visitor the possibility of contacting the person concerned.

II. Data protection and information on the processing of personal data

The operator ensures a high level of data protection. Information on the processing of personal data, including information on the rights of the person whose personal data is processed, is available HERE.

III. Information on the use of cookies

Sometimes it is necessary to place small data files, known as cookies, on your device for the site to function properly. Cookies are used by almost all web portals by default. Cookies are small text files that websites store on your computer or mobile device when you start using the website. The operator informs you that this website uses cookie technology.

Some cookies may remember your preferences and actions you have taken (e.g. login details, language, font size and other display preferences) for a certain period of time so that you do not have to re-enter these details and jump from one page to another. The cookie itself is made up of a string of letters and numbers, does not collect or contain any information, is not a virus, and is not set to make copies of itself or spread to other networks. Cookies usually contain the name of the website, the time of the end device and the resolution of the data stored.

The Operator uses the following cookies:

If you actively tick the "I agree to all" button, you consent to the use of optional cookies and the use of data collected through the website / cookies for the above purposes until revoked.

If you do not agree to these terms, please leave the website and do not continue to use it.

Legal matters arising out of the use of this website are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic. The visitor is therefore subject exclusively to the laws and courts of the Czech Republic. The laws of the Czech Republic shall apply to disputes or matters arising out of the use of this website, or to the rights and obligations of the Operator and the Visitor, to the exclusion of conflict of laws rules and direct rules of international treaty arrangements. Disputes arising out of or relating to these Website Terms of Use, as well as those related to or arising out of these Website Terms of Use, shall be resolved exclusively within the jurisdiction of the courts of the Czech Republic.

The Operator reserves the right to change or amend these Website Terms of Use at any time without prior notice or notification. Any changes or additions to these Website Terms of Use shall come into force and effect on the date of their posting on this Website.

These Website Terms of Use come into force and effect on the date of their publication on this website.

If you have any questions or comments about these Website Terms of Use, please feel free to contact us at the contact details provided.