Recruitment: professional services from JobsCentr Recruitment

Are you interested in the selection and recruitment process? Our experts are ready to meet all your recruitment requirements in a professional and timely manner.

Search and selection of employees in the hands of an expert

Searching and selecting employees is a time-consuming process. Nowadays it is essential to keep up, otherwise even the most successful companies can suffer a loss of operational efficiency.

The best way to ensure employee loyalty is to consult recruitment strategy with experts. Contacting a recruitment agency is the ideal solution in such situations.

Selection of employees

JobsCentr Recruitment offers employee search and selection services. We use our extensive database of candidates to recruit staff. This dynamic database contains up-to-date CVs of potential employees who specialise in a variety of professions. The selection process includes personal interviews and testing, reference checks and communication to candidates regarding job-specific working conditions.

Mass Recruitment - MASS RECRUITMENT

Company growth, seasonal needs and employee turnover require mass recruitment.

Diverse mass recruitment for various positions

We undertake bulk recruitment for a wide range of roles including:

Through our branches you can order bulk recruitment anywhere in the Czech Republic. Thanks to many years of successful experience, we have the ability to analyze the current situation on the labor market and offer our clients specifically defined recruitment strategies, along with effective advertising campaigns.

Efficiency and safety in recruitment with JobsCentr Recruitment

Our wide range of services and diverse recruitment methods allow us to meet even the most demanding requirements of our clients. The selection made by our experts is focused on finding the most suitable candidates for specific positions. Most of our clients who turn to us for recruitment and selection are satisfied and work with us on a regular basis.

The successful implementation of our projects is the result of trustworthy cooperation and high qualification of JobsCentr Recruitment experts. We respect the needs of each client, and therefore we are able to quickly and efficiently find the necessary staff for your company.